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Practices must review hundreds of thousands of reports in order to comply with Medicare's Quality Payment Program. Manual review can be inaccurate, slow and expensive. With significant financial impact from the MIPS program, finding a solution to streamline the process is imperative.
Guidance Analytics is the leading provider of MIPS reporting. Our AI-based solution provides an automated system to evaluate data rapidly and accurately. We utilize Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDR) which provides measures designed specifically for each specialty. Track your organization’s performance with our real-time dynamic dashboard, DataLUX™. Our monthly consulting sessions help our clients drill down into their performance and help practices stay on track to maximize their MIPS payment adjustments.

Our Services

Autonomous Reporting

Fully automated platform eliminates manual coding and minimizes administrative effort to manage the MIPS process.

AI Scoring

AI-driven MIPS scoring with real-time feedback on reports to improve accuracy.

MIPS Consulting

MACRA optimization sessions designed to enhance quality and financial performance.


Real-time dashboard featuring predictive analytics and performance tracking.

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==================================== GUIDANCE ANALYTICS DEMO EXAM EXAM DATE: 11/08/2024 11:40:00 EXAM: 75571 - ct cardiac calcium scoring ==================================== ct coronary calcium score INDICATION: order states: screening for coronary artery disease. patient states: patient has hypercholesterolemia and elevated cholesterol. patient has a family history of heart disease. the patient is asymptomatic. comparison/correlation: no previous study is currently available for comparison. radiation dose tracking: ct studies in previous 12 months: 0. myocardial perfusion studies in previous 12 months: 0 TECHNIQUE: an initial scout image was obtained followed by spiral multislice ekg-synchronized ct scanning of the heart. data was sent to 3-d workstation for further processing. a dose lowering technique such as automated exposure control iterative reconstruction or ma and/or kv adjustment for patient size was utilized for this exam. FINDINGS: the overall study quality is good. the total calcium score is 0.7 (agatston equivalent with 130 hu threshold). this corresponds to a coronary artery age of approximately 55-59 years of age when compared to age and sex-matched normals. this score is in the 75th percentile rank for age and gender meaning that 24% of patients of the same age and gender will have a higher score. the total volume score is 0.2 cubic millimeters. individual major vessel scores are: lm = 0 lad = 0 lcx = 0 rca including pda= 0.7 other = 0. based on the cacs score and the table below clinical follow up is not warranted. the imaged lungs and pleural spaces as visualized appear clear. there are no pleural-based or parenchymal nodules. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. no bronchial wall thickening is evident. there is no evidence of mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy. the upper abdomen as visualized appears normal. there are calcified infrahilar lymph nodes on the right consistent with prior granulomatous infection. the distal esophagus appears normal. there is no hiatal hernia. the heart and pericardium appears normal. the ascending aorta is normal in diameter measuring 3.0 cm. the thoracic spine is without aggressive bony lesions. conclusion: minimal coronary arterial calcification with total calcium scoring of 0.7. 0: no identifiable calcified plaques. low likelihood of coronary obstruction. 1-10: minimal identifiable plaque. significant obstructive coronary artery disease is less likely. 11-100: definite but mild plaque. risk factor modification is recommended. 101-400: definite moderate plaque. over 400: significant plaque burden. indicates likelihood of significant coronary stenosis. evidence of prior granulomatous infection.

Exam 'A98DB973' Performance

  • ACRAD18: 26.37 hrs

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Maximize Medicare Payments

Real-time feedback and consulting services help practices maximize Medicare reimbursement and increase positive payment adjustments.

Automate Performance Reporting

Guidance Analytics' automated platform utilizes artificial intelligence to provide a higher level of accuracy, timelier feedback and accelerates performance improvement.

Reduce Hours Required to Report

Eliminating manual coding and a reduction of administrative tasks, practices can focus on improving measure performance and raising MIPS scores.

Leverage QCDR Measures

Utilizing a QCDR expands the number of measures for providers and allows for increased scores over tapped out QPP categories.

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